Sunday, January 25, 2009

Moving On After A Relationship Can Be Tough

If you're feeling down in the dumps and you give into it, it can be even more difficult to move on because you live and breathe the break up. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself for weeks or months and not taking action, there are some simple things that can help you move past your ex and the relationship you shared and into your future.

First and foremost, don't just think about the good times. When we break up with someone we have a tendency to just remember the good things about them and the great times we shared together. Don't build the person or your relationship into something that it wasn't, this will just make it more difficult to move past the relationship.

Ask your ex to tell you how they really feel about you and your relationship. Many times it is hurtful but helpful when you know that there is no chance that the two of you will be together again. It hurts to have someone tell you that they don't love you, but sometimes it is necessary to really get closure and begin to move onto the next phase in your life.

Do not get in touch with your ex. If you call them and try to involve them in your life it is just going to make it more difficult. Don't call your ex and don't accept their phone calls. Don't ask them back and don't entertain the idea of being asked back. Just cut off all communication and make that clean break, it will be difficult but in the end you will be better served to just stop talking.

The best thing that you can do when you have feelings you are not sure that your ex will understand, you should write it all down on paper. Get all of your feelings out that express hurt, anger, sadness, and regret. Really put it all out there, leave nothing inside. You should address it to them and then throw it away, burn it, shred it, do anything but send it.

Don't go to the places where you know that your ex will be. This can be difficult if you work together, but if you know that your ex and his or her friends hang out at the same place every Friday night, don't go there. You'll just make the clean break more difficult and you'll also look desperate. Just steer clear of where you know that they will be. It just makes sense.

Take down the pictures. Having pictures all over the place that show the two of you together in better times will only make moving on harder. You don't have to throw them away, but you should definitely pack them away for at least six months. Put them in storage or at a friends house if you don't trust yourself. When you take back your space you'll find that you really can breathe easier.

Rodrigo Rehn is a Relationships Expert, Linux Systems Administrator, Web Programmer, PHP Developer and CEO of Online dating services.

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